Christian, Lifestyle

It’s still coming to pass

Isaiah 40:8 KJV
The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our God shall stand for ever.

I don’t know about anyone else, but I especially needed this today. When you are hardcore seeking God for direction and trying to do his will for your life, between the heavy spiritual warfare, the sleepless nights, the constant fasting and praying, it gets tiring. I’m tired. You read the stories in the bible and you absolutely understand why people tried to “help” God fulfill his promises, lol. It feels like it takes forever. He made me some promises 10+ years ago and some he gave me in 2020 and I’m still holding on, but I’m so tired. I’m ready to see them come into fruition, but it’s taking sooooo long. Don’t ever think that believers don’t get weary, because baby! I am tired, I am weary, I am worn, lol. I just want to get to a place where I can walk out my purpose fully, where I am surrounded by like-minded believers who truly love me and are about that Jesus life, and where I can rest peacefully; at least sometimes. Not somewhere where I am constantly having to anoint and pray over it warring in the spirit.

So, trust me I needed this first, lol. As much as I whine and complain to God, he knows I’m not going to give up. The thought has definitely crossed my mind, even recently I thought about just ending it all because it’s too much. It’s so overwhelming and heavy and I feel like I’m alone, like everyone is living for and looking out for self, and like the world is not ending and Jesus is not coming soon. I hate it here, it’s so ghetto! 🤣🤣 But as God is reminding us, his word stands forever. He said he had the victory. That Jesus was coming again and we would all live with him for eternity if we choose him. I believe it, that’s why I haven’t abandoned ship, lol. God knew I was a warrior, that’s why he laid so much stuff on my shoulders. I just wish he had sent my battle partner a long time ago. Going to war is not easy alone, but he knew that I would stick it out. I may be a runner, but I’m not a quitter and I want to see him in Heaven cause I got a lot to say.

Don’t give up. Keep holding on. He would not have given you the assignment that you’re on if he didn’t already know that you would complete it and he is right there with you. Every promise he made, he will keep. Every blessing that’s been held up you will receive. We just have to hold on and keep praying and praising through the storms, but it’s always a choice.

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