
We place so many things before God, it feels like he’s lost when it’s really us

Lamentations 3:25 KJV
The LORD is good unto them that wait for him, to the soul that seeketh him.

It can’t get any plainer than this. We all want something from God, out of God…prove to me you’re real. Lord, give me a sign. All of these requests we make known and burdens we lay at his feet, but how many of us are really seeking him and not just what he can do for us? Let’s be honest. How many of us let the distractions of the world come before our relationship with God? The job, the kids, the spouse, the BD or BM, the aging parents, the mortgage, taxes; this list could go on forever. So many things we let come before Christ but we always want him to do something for us. He gives us so many opportunities to minister and witness to people but we choose not to. He gives us so many opportunities in our busy schedules to be a blessing to someone and we choose to ignore it, yet we have the gall to be upset when he doesn’t answer our prayers when and how we want them answered.

He is good to those who wait on him and to the sous that seeketh him. The word good is subjective here, because what some people consider good…no, what the world considered good is not what believers would consider good. To a believer, every morning they wake up is good, because they Lord is giving them another opportunity to get it right. To a believer, just having breath in their lungs is good. It’s not always material stuff that will make a believer tap dance on the enemies head. You gotta know what is truly important to serve the Lord. He should be first in your life, not an afterthought; not just when you have a few minutes, not just to bless the food. Have mercy. Matthew 6:33 reminds us, But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. You have to seek him to reap the benefits. At least the ones that matter. Not the ones everybody else will receive just because he is a good, good Father, but the ones you receive when you diligently seek him and are obedient to his commands.

We don’t have time to wait anymore. The time for playing and procrastinating is over. God has waited patiently for you to choose him. Time is running out. Jesus is coming soon. The time to choose is now.

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