
You don’t even have to be righteous to be blessed.

Psalm 33:5, He loveth righteousness and judgement, the earth is full of the goodness of the Lord.

This was my scripture for today. I’m gonna be completely honest. When I first read it, I got nothing. That is very rare for me. If I’m in the word, he is downloading something. Anyway! So I ran and got my study bible, because I‘m one of those purists. I love to read the KJV. Only when I want further context will I whip out my NKJV or my NIV. So I read one of my study bibles, this one happens to be an NIV and still got nothing. I went back to the KJV and I reread it a couple of times and I was just like Daddy I don’t got nothing, lol. As I put my bibles back on the shelf, it hit me. So, let me help somebody.

We know that the Lord loves righteousness. He also loves judgement which by definition means – the ability to make considered decisions or come to sensible conclusions. People are quick to try to portray Daddy as this overbearing, unreasonable, angry, unforgiving god. His love of judgement is not him loving to rule over us and condemn us as much as it means that he loves when we make considered decision or come to sensible conclusions. It’s personal for him. When we make considered decisions to continue to walk with him daily, he is pleased. When we make considered decisions not to cuss somebody out, he is please. When we make a considered decision to rebuke the enemy and flee from sin he is pleased.

We take for granted the simple things. The birds chirping, the wind blowing, the sun rising. Those are a part of the goodness that he filled the earth with. Not to mention the family, the friends, the kids, the spouse, the job that he blessed you with. What he loves he blesses and you don’t even have to be righteous or make considered decisions and he loves you anyway and he still blesses. The word says in Matthew 5:45 , That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.

You don’t ever have to wonder when your blessing or your breakthrough is coming. What he loves, he blesses. He loves you so it’s coming. Be patient.

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