Christian, Lifestyle

What is there to be ashamed of?

Romans 1:16-17 KJV
For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. [17] For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith.

It’s said that this is the main principle of Romans. That if you understand this, you can understand all of Romans and I won’t lie; when I first tried to read Romans because you know they say it should be one of the first books you read, it used to confuse me. It was like Paul was speaking in riddles. I had to rely heavily on other translations and commentaries to get the full understanding, but if you ask me to try and explain it to someone…I will quickly tell you that is not my calling, lol. Because I normally pick up on stuff easily, by the grace of God, even reading the KJV, but Romans was one of those that I had to read and reread just to get an understanding. This part, I get.

I am not ashamed of the Gospel or the God I serve, even when the things that I do or have to endure look crazy to the people around me. I am not ashamed because I know where I should be at his moment. Where I could have been had he not saved me. So, I’m not offended when people call me crazy. I laugh, because sometimes I think I am too, but you have to be some type of crazy to believe wholeheartedly in a God you’ve never seen. To believe that he is real and will keep his promises. Especially when you’ve been through as much stuff as I have. I know it looks absolutely insane, because what good, loving father allows his kids to suffer at the hands of monsters? I get it. I used to ask that question myself. But God! Then he revealed himself to me in a way I had never seen before. When I truly started seeking him for myself and not through the lens of religion and self-righteousness, but truly seeking him with childlike awe and deep desperation for the truth…that’s when he revealed his heart to me. His heart for me. That is why, to this day, Jeremiah 29:11 remains one of if not my favorite scripture.

His plan for me is that I be reconciled to him. That I can go home to be with him when Jesus comes again, but in order to do that, the world has to be stripped from my heart and my soul. All the things that I should have never known or experienced have to be purged from my spirit. All of the demons/ spirits that I have come in covenant with and in contact with have to be banished and broken. I have to become who he originally intended me to be. If that requires heartbreak, then that is what I must endure. Jesus’ heart broke for his people. He wept when Lazarus died. God is not pleased with the suffering of his children. So, I bear the heartache with him. If it requires loving my friends and family despite the demons they carry, then love them I will. Jesus loved Judas, despite knowing his intentions. Judas still ate at the last supper, even though he was about to betray Jesus. Besides, I also learned that we suffer not just for ourselves, but for others who have or will encounter the same tests and trials so I can assist them in growing and healing from them. The children of Israel did not suffer slavery and the wilderness and allllllll of the many times they were invaded, captured, and scattered to the ends of the earth. It was also for an example to us some 2000+ years later. Abraham and Sarah did not have to deal with baby mama drama and bearing children in their old age for nothing. It was to show us what happens when we interfere with God’s plan, but how faithful he is to keep his word even when we disobey. In each story as well, there is a thread of hope. There was a blessing for their faithfulness. Testifying to his goodness when we choose to love him and obey him.

His mercy is so great that it extended not only to the Jews, his chosen but to the Gentiles as well. Those of us who would rather have worshiped ourselves and our own creations than to give honor and glory to the creator of it all. He opened the door through the death of his son so that we could become part of the family again. So, no, I am not ashamed of the Gospel. I (try to) walk by faith and not by sight. It’s not always easy, but I always have to think back to where he brought me from and then I’m good. It straightens me right out because I do not want to go back. As much fun as I thought I was having, it is not worth me going to hell. Period. Jesus is returning soon. It’s time to make a choice.


We are family

Ephesians 2:19 KJV
Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellowcitizens with the saints, and of the household of God;

Today I just want to let people know that once you choose Jesus, you are his. Well, we’re his no matter what, but when you choose him; when you decide to follow and obey him you will be treated like one of his kids. I don’t know how to explain this so that people can understand. When you make a conscious decision to give your life back to him the heavens rejoice. There is so much he wants to share with you and say to you that you weren’t ready or able to hear before. There is so much he wants to give you that you were ill-equipped to accept. No, it’s not always easy. No, we won’t always understand. Yes, it will hurt sometimes. When I think about everything that I’ve been through in my life, I still say I wouldn’t change a thing. Everything that happened to me gave me purpose. It made me stronger. I don’t know if anyone is paying attention to what’s going on in the world, but the Lord’s wrath is upon us. His judgment is being executed on the earth. If my relationship with him wasn’t as strong as it is, I would be afraid, but I’m not because his word is everlasting. He promised he would never leave us or forsake us. He promised that 1000 will fall at your side and 10 thousand at your right hand, but it shall not come nigh thee and I believe him. Now, do I get a little anxious sometimes? Of course, I’m human, but he always reminds me to be anxious for nothing. Sometimes, I still think I know better. Sometimes, I still get impatient waiting on him. No one is perfect. I just wake up every day and ask him to forgive my impatience and my procrastination (because I am notorious for that) and thank him for waking me up to try again.

Jesus died on the cross to reconcile us with the Father. Why waste such a gift? If you had been separated from your father for reasons out of your control, for years, and you finally had a chance to meet him would you pass it up? Just food for thought. We have an inheritance. We have the promise of eternal life just by choosing to accept him as our Father and being obedient. He doesn’t ask us for much. It’s so crazy. We make it harder than it should be because we forget that we can’t do anything outside of him. We only need to give everything to him. We would however just prefer to struggle and complain. He’s made a way for everything. He made provision for every step in our lives. We just have to accept it. He would not lead us astray. He loves us and only wants the best for us. He’s just waiting for us to return to him. Like the prodigal, will you return?

Christian, Lifestyle

Only those with eyes to see will see

Isaiah 8:12-13 NIV
“Do not call conspiracy everything this people calls a conspiracy; do not fear what they fear, and do not dread it. [13] The LORD Almighty is the one you are to regard as holy, he is the one you are to fear, he is the one you are to dread.

I could not pass this up because it is one of those right now words. I couldn’t believe it when I read it, so I had to share. Backstory, Isaiah is yet another prophet called to warn the children of Israel that God’s judgment is about to be upon them. But God is so mad, almost nothing will soothe his anger. God knew the only way the children of Israel would learn is if they were punished. Like little children, with every new king or every generation, a new sin was introduced that threw them off course, enraged God, and made them turn away from God and it all started with the first group that went into the promised land who were disobedient. It’s amazing how stuff from our grandparents and parents can still be affecting our lives today.

Are we not in the same predicament right now in 2024? God is so angry and the warnings have gone out. Prophets are being persecuted for telling the truth to stiffnecked people who only want to hear feel-good messages that promise wealth and prosperity and love. Our government (kings) have been in bed with the devil from the beginning slowly and quite calculatingly causing our demise. If not of our own doing, also by the wrath of God. We’re about to get it from both ends. Everything is not a conspiracy because you didn’t know about it. There is nothing new under the sun. The enemy has done this over and over to wipe out God’s children and we fall into the seductive web of lies he set for us every time.

He uses fear to control us. All of the things we thought we would never see on this land have happened in our lifetime and there are so many people who still don’t want to see or believe it. They have been so brainwashed by the enemy, sedated by watered-down sermons preached from the pulpits, and desensitized by news and media outlets, movies and tv. None of the pew warmers are ready for what is about to go down, because they have been more worried about what office they’ll hold and title they can claim than the soul salvation of their brothers and sisters. Now seeing revelation unfold people are becoming fearful. We’re about to see men’s hearts fail from fear. Even the elect will be deceived, because they are prideful and think they know everything and that they still have time or that they have it all figured out and they’re good, but they will soon find out that he will not acknowledge them or their works. It’s time to repent and get on your post. Walk in your calling. Help save your brothers and sisters before Jesus comes again because the time is quickly upon us. Jesus is coming soon. Whether you like it or not. Whether you’re ready or not. He’s on his way. What will you be doing when he comes?

Christian, Lifestyle

Will you stand when the wicked fall?

I do not own the rights to this photo.

Psalm 91:7 KJV
A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee.

One of my favorite verses of Psalm 91. I can’t tell you why, but it has been since I was a little kid. It has always felt like the best promise a Father could give his daughter. My parents divorced when I was young and I lost my Prince Charming. I had no one to protect me and consequently, all of the rotten stuff happened in my life. So when I heard Psalm 91 for the first time, it spoke so deeply to my soul. All I ever wanted in my life was to be safe and protected. Not all women can hold it down without a man in the house and that’s just facts. My mother was one of them, despite whatever she believed when she divorced my father. It wasn’t until I was much older that realized that my father would not have been the hero I had imagined him to be either. So I clung to this chapter even more. I got teary-eyed every time we read it in church. You don’t really realize what Jesus did for us on the cross until you realize it. He took on death and the grave so we didn’t have to. He gave up his life for us and reconciled us to our heavenly Father.

God always planned to redeem us back to him. He never thought about just leaving his children out there. There would have been no point in creating us if that was the case. So when we choose him, it comes with perks and I love it. Whatever goes on in the world, as long as I am faithful and obedient, he’s got my back. He won’t forsake me. He will keep me from destruction. So when the wicked start to fall as his wrath and judgment are executed, his children will still stand. We will be hidden and protected. Just as it was for the children of Israel when the angel of death went through Egypt, it will be for those of us who believe. So, don’t let the enemy take your joy. Don’t let him sap your energy. Keep standing on the word and the promises of God. He will not let you down.

It’s time to choose the kingdom of God is at hand. Will you stand or fall with the rest?

Christian, Lifestyle

It was never about that

Romans 14:17-19 KJV
For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. [18] For he that in these things serveth Christ is acceptable to God, and approved of men. [19] Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another.

I laughed so hard when I read this. It’s exactly what the Lord has been trying to emphasize to his children about all the infighting. Being of a different denomination doesn’t mean you don’t know the Lord or have a relationship with him. Again, denominations are not biblical, so fighting over it shouldn’t even be a thing, but I digress. Besides, the Lord said, My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: in John 10:27. It doesn’t matter what denomination you claim, as long as you obey him and follow his precepts and his commands and don’t rely more on religion than a relationship, verse 28 goes on to say, And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. It’s not about denominations, it’s not about what day you worship, it’s not about what diet you have. It’s all about living righteously for the glory of the Lord and not becoming a stumbling block for your brothers and sisters leading them away from Christ.

The enemy has caused so much division in the kingdom, that we can’t advance. Jesus is coming soon. All of the insignificant arguing has to cease. It has to. We have to be about our Father’s business, winning souls for the kingdom. If they don’t accept you shake the dust and move on. That includes family and friends. They have to come to the realization of God on their own. I’ve always told my kids that if they’ve planted the seed they have done what they were supposed to do. The rest is up to God, keep it moving and don’t feel bad because some people are not going to choose God and it’s not your fault. At some point, even praying for them won’t help. Therefore pray not thou for this people, neither lift up cry nor prayer for them, neither make intercession to me: for I will not hear thee. (Jeremiah 7:16) That’s why the disciples moved around. It’s too many people who need to hear the Gospel of Jesus to be begging and pleading with people to repent and choose Jesus before it’s too late. Be about the work of the Father for the Kingdom of God is at hand.

Christian, Lifestyle

Not everyone is for God

1 Timothy 1:5 KJV
Now the end of the commandment is charity out of a pure heart, and of a good conscience, and of faith unfeigned:

This is Paul writing to Timothy as they were not together at this time. Paul was in Macedonia and Timothy was in Ephesus. At this time there were people teaching false doctrine in the church and Paul gave Timothy the task to urge them to stop. In this verse, Paul is telling Timothy that doing this, urging them to stop is out of love, a pure heart, good conscience, and sincere faith. Paul knew what awaited those who taught false doctrine and was trying to save those that truly believed from going astray. In love he wanted them to turn from their pursuit of wealth or fame or whatever it was that was driving them to teach such things before the wrath of God came upon them.

There is nothing new under the sun. What was happening then is happening now. So many people have been led away from the truth of the Word by false teachers using the same tactics as satan did in the garden. All it takes is a slight twist of the truth to make it obsolete, false, and lose its power. So many people are relying on the sermons from their pastors and the prophecies from the prophets instead of reading the word for themselves. It’s so funny when I’ve had to give a message to people they always ask, why won’t he just tell me. It’s because they don’t seek him to know. When was the last time you cracked your bible outside of church? When was the last time you did a fast without someone telling you to, without it being a corporate fast? When was the last time you set time aside to be with God and meditate on his word? Those are the times when he speaks the loudest. You can hear him so clearly. He just wants us to come to him. But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. (Matthew 6:33)

He has all the answers, he has everything you need you just have to seek him. You have to put in a concerted effort to be in his presence without all the hoopla of church and without the eyes of others watching you. But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly. (Matthew 6:6) He’s waiting for you. Don’t be led astray by pastors and prophets. Always seeking a word and not God. The children of Israel got into trouble for seeking out soothsayers/ psychics to know the future. Seek God, he knows the beginning to the end.

Even when someone tries to urge these false teachers to turn from their pursuits, they are met with hate from the mass following they have amassed and are labeled “haters”. They don’t see the error of their ways. They boast and brag about what they’ve done for the kingdom. How many people have “come to Christ” because of them. When they reach the pearly gates, it won’t be what they expected because they were no longer working for the Kingdom of God.

Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? 23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. Matthew 7:22-23

This is not something to be played with. The Kingdom of God is at hand. It’s time to get it together.Jesus is coming soon.

Christian, Lifestyle

He is never far

Psalm 22:19 KJV
But be not thou far from me, O LORD: O my strength, haste thee to help me.

How many of us have had to call out to the Lord in distress? I can’t even begin to count because I am sure it is well into the hundreds if not the thousands. Did he always answer me? Nope. Was it always like I thought it would be? Absolutely not, but I know that in my distress he will hear me and deliver me…some of the time. Sometimes, I put myself in situations and other times the Lord just needed me to sit there for a little while to reflect. He may not come when we want him to, but he’s always right on time, his time. We can’t see into the future. We don’t know what lies ahead of us, but we always get up in arms when God doesn’t do what we asked him for the way we asked him to do. He sees the beginning from the end. No, let me correct that. He knows the beginning to the end. He knows every situation, every obstacle, every setback we will encounter in life. He knows every lesson we need to learn to get stronger and endure to the end and sometimes they are hard lessons to learn. Sometimes we have to take the test multiple times before we get it right, but in the end we will be all the better for it.

Like David, we need to learn how to worship in distress as well. No better way to confuse the enemy and lift our spirits. The angels rejoice with us when we lift up our voices to the Father. Does it make him move any faster? Probably not, but who doesn’t feel good when you thank them and show appreciation? Let me tell you. I have been through a lot and I have seen a lot. Stuff that I was not supposed to see especially at the ages that I saw them. I have been so angry with God that I thought I would never forgive him, but the crazy thing is; even in my rebellion and my anger I never turned away from him. I knew better. Raise up a child in the way they should go they said and it is so true because I would find myself singing gospel songs out of the blue no matter how mad at God I was. Especially when I was having problems and that’s one of the ways I know he never left me. He was still speaking to me. I would hear things like don’t go that way. You should leave right now. Not them. Subtle hints and nudges that kept me safe and I thank God he loved me through all of my foolishness because he could have easily written me off, but he didn’t.

So, I never hesitate to call on him. Whether it’s out of frustration and anger, confusion or hurt. He is always the one I turn to first. He is my first response, not my last resort. Repent and choose God. Jesus is coming soon.

Christian, Lifestyle

He’s always been there

Jeremiah 31:3 KJV
The LORD hath appeared of old unto me, saying, Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee.

Man, Daddy just keeps coming with the words I need. Following him is not always easy and most of the time pretty lonely. I feel like I’ve been alone my whole life; misunderstood and overlooked. So, lately, he’s just been reminding me that he’s always been there and he’s always loved me even when I felt abandoned and alone. I have to say in hindsight, it definitely makes sense because if it were not for him, I promise I would not be here. It is only by his grace and mercy and his strength that I didn’t give up and made it this far.

Through all of my mess. Have mercy. He was always there. He never gave up on me. At my lowest, he was there and continued to sustain me when I was ready to give up for the millionth time. I’ve done some stuff foolishly just out of sheer rebellion.

I had to put this in, lol. Why did Yet by The King Will Come play as I’m typing this? Baby! I broke. Tears falling, snotting, couldn’t breathe; all the ugliness, lol. I just had to give God the glory. He is not a God of coincidence. He is very intentional and he is serious about his babies. That’s me. 🙋🏽‍♀️

Anyway as I was saying, I used to do dumb stuff out of rebellion, just to get God to say something, feel something, do something. Any sin that I thought would hurt him and not kill me, I tried and he was still there. I remember one time, I was doing something I should not have been doing and I remember hearing a voice say, what would you do if I came right now? Oh boy! I stayed a little longer, but not much longer. I hightailed it outta there. At first, I was just like, I’m going to hell anyway, but he would not let my spirit rest. He was like nah, get up out of there. So eventually I left. He was there through all of my debauchery and he forgave me every time. Thank you, Jesus! Because Lord knows I was a hot mess. He is definitely long-suffering because he could have removed the hedge and cut me off a million times, but he didn’t. He held on to me and loved me back to him. Praise God! It’s still not easy, but I know I’m not alone and that’s enough for me. As long as he is still by my side, I don’t need anyone else.

He is there for you as well. No matter where you go, he’s there. No matter what you do, he’s there. There is a phrase they always use in K-dramas (sssshhh, don’t judge me), I’ve been waiting for you to look back and see me. God is there, he’s just waiting for you to turn back and reach out for him. He never left us, we ran from him. He’s still waiting. There is still time. Choose him before it’s too late.

Christian, Lifestyle

It’s still coming to pass

Isaiah 40:8 KJV
The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our God shall stand for ever.

I don’t know about anyone else, but I especially needed this today. When you are hardcore seeking God for direction and trying to do his will for your life, between the heavy spiritual warfare, the sleepless nights, the constant fasting and praying, it gets tiring. I’m tired. You read the stories in the bible and you absolutely understand why people tried to “help” God fulfill his promises, lol. It feels like it takes forever. He made me some promises 10+ years ago and some he gave me in 2020 and I’m still holding on, but I’m so tired. I’m ready to see them come into fruition, but it’s taking sooooo long. Don’t ever think that believers don’t get weary, because baby! I am tired, I am weary, I am worn, lol. I just want to get to a place where I can walk out my purpose fully, where I am surrounded by like-minded believers who truly love me and are about that Jesus life, and where I can rest peacefully; at least sometimes. Not somewhere where I am constantly having to anoint and pray over it warring in the spirit.

So, trust me I needed this first, lol. As much as I whine and complain to God, he knows I’m not going to give up. The thought has definitely crossed my mind, even recently I thought about just ending it all because it’s too much. It’s so overwhelming and heavy and I feel like I’m alone, like everyone is living for and looking out for self, and like the world is not ending and Jesus is not coming soon. I hate it here, it’s so ghetto! 🤣🤣 But as God is reminding us, his word stands forever. He said he had the victory. That Jesus was coming again and we would all live with him for eternity if we choose him. I believe it, that’s why I haven’t abandoned ship, lol. God knew I was a warrior, that’s why he laid so much stuff on my shoulders. I just wish he had sent my battle partner a long time ago. Going to war is not easy alone, but he knew that I would stick it out. I may be a runner, but I’m not a quitter and I want to see him in Heaven cause I got a lot to say.

Don’t give up. Keep holding on. He would not have given you the assignment that you’re on if he didn’t already know that you would complete it and he is right there with you. Every promise he made, he will keep. Every blessing that’s been held up you will receive. We just have to hold on and keep praying and praising through the storms, but it’s always a choice.

Christian, Healing

He has so much more for you

Proverbs 11:24-25 NIV
One person gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty. [25] A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.

I am a KJV kinda girl, but this passage of scriptures doesn’t read well for anyone who doesn’t normally use the KJV and I wanted to make sure that the overall message was understood and received. So, most of us know that the book of Proverbs is a book of wisdom written by Solomon to his sons. Practical advice passed down from generation so they could live a better life, so they would know how the world works and how to navigate it righteously and honestly.

When I read this scripture I felt like this was Solomon passing down the rules God had set for the children of Israel before they went into the promised land. This was the premise that would make them prosper and live peaceably with one another. Everyone would be taken care of and anyone who didn’t abide by the rules would come to ruin. I will continue to say that if we had stuck to these rules the world would have been a better place, but sin entered and here we are on the verge of destruction of our own making. Forsaking God and his ways for greed, vanity, pride, and consumerism; from all the lies the enemy promised us if we followed him; if we ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Did he really say you couldn’t eat it? Ye shall not surely die. LIE! The word clearly says the wages of sin is death.

We are so used to saving and stashing and hoarding things. We rarely want to help anyone or give anything away and if we do, we’re trying to calculate how we can recooperate what we’ve lost. We forget that anything we give away God will replace and then some. The word tells us in 2 Corinthians 9:7, Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver. God loves a cheerful giver. We were blessed to be blessings to others. We can never be at a loss when Jesus Christ is for us. Everything we have was a gift or a blessing from him, how can we be stingy and try to hold on to it. I’ll never forget the Lord gave me a word to give to one of my previous landlords. He was revitalizing the neighborhood he grew up in. He was buying the houses that were abandoned and fixing them up. He was charging a bit much for rent but it was taking the neighborhood back to its old glory and I suppose the high rent kept out the unsavory elements, lol. Anyway, he told me to tell him to stop cutting corners in his renovations like he (God) wasn’t going to bless him with more. That hit my spirit, but I absolutely understood. That word had me crying, I’m talking about ugly crying and snotting, lol. He received the word. Don’t know if he heeded it, but he received it because the Lord went on to say that there was so much more he wanted him to do; bigger and better and he had to learn to trust him now. Baby! That still touches me.

What God gives us is meant to be shared, there is more coming. If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him? (Matthew 7:11) He has so much more he wants to give us, but if we never open our hands to release what’s in them, how can we receive what he’s waiting to give us? Holding on to material stuff is a sign of fear and a distrust of God. That you don’t believe his promises. It’s time to choose who’s report you’ll believe. The enemy will tell you that the Lord doesn’t love you and he doesn’t want you to be happy or wealthy, but the Lord tells us in Luke 6:38, Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again. We just have to trust him and believe that he is a promise keeper and he wants us to have everything he said you would have. The choice is yours.